
Dear Fellow Learners,

I have to make it clear that this blog wont post a random lesson for no reason. Because chances are readers might not be interested or they already know the lesson.

So I only post something in here if I receive a request from my readers or fellow learners. Sometimes I post what lesson I had with a student as well.

So if you want to request a lesson you may do so by sending me an email. That will be the topic if you want to have the free online lesson as well.

I do post what happen on the free lesson here but you may say so if you are not comfortable with that.

May 30, 2011

How to Write a Letter - cici's Lesson

Cici is a 10 year old Chinese kid and she is one of my very first student. She is already good but she wants to learn more about writing. So our lesson for today is how to write a letter. I know everybody know this thing and I know it's easy but it's not really that easy if you have to put all the parts.

so bellow is a skeleton of a letter.

I wont put the names of the part yet because I want you to figure that out on your own. I will put all the parts on my next post.

for now it's your job to figure it out.